We are currently looking for one or two members per voice part to fill out our sound. Soprano, Alto 1, Alto 2, and Bass are needed. Our requirements are that you should be able to read music, carry a tune, and blend well with others. You must be available to rehearse on Monday nights. If you love to sing, we want to hear from you!!
Please send us an email if you are interested or have any questions.
Q: What is the audition process?
A: Potential members should attend at least two rehearsals to get to know us, our music, and for us to get to know you!! Individuals who want to audition are given a copy of our audition piece to learn. Generally within three rehearsals, they are asked to perform in a quintet, and will be informed within one week whether or not they are accepted, and for what voice part.
Q: When do you rehearse?
A: Every member is expected to attend 75% of rehearsals and gigs. Rehearsals are held on Monday nights from 7:30pm until 9:30pm in Radnor, PA. Gigs are ideally once per month, and may/may not be on Mondays.
Q: Does it cost to be a member?
A: Every member is required to pay dues. Funds are used to pay our director and purchase music or arrangements. Dues usually run about $100 per quarter, and are scaled back for younger members.
Q: Where do you perform?
A: Our regular performances are community outreach type events: retirement communities, group functions; basically anyone that will listen (and pay a small fee).
Q: What else should I know about the Counterparts?
A: Counterparts is a member of the American A Capella Alliance, an organization comprised of about 10 amateur a cappella groups from across the country. Once each year (usually the last weekend in April or first weekend in May), the groups convene in one city and perform for each other for our annual concert, Spring Sing. It is a wonderful opportunity for singers to meet other singers and to perform for folks who appreciate their vocal skills. As a Counterparts member, you are required to attend Spring Sing and additional rehearsals leading up to it. This is an additional cost; financial assistance is often available.